Friday, January 22, 2010

Classic vs. Vintage car

How to define a vintage (Continental Airlines Employment) car? One of the ways is to determine on when the car birth made. Commonly a vintage car is built between the year of1919 to 1930. Although there is debate about the specific period, the end of World War 1 is a nicely definition on the starting date. While the cut off date around 1925 to 1930.
Starting of the World War 2 can be said as the unarguably the end period of vintage car. 1919 is the year of car was born, but after that car has been something that is very common. Extending the year of 1950s industrialised automotive production and road building become somewhat very close related.
Cars then become something that is more and more practical with ability to ease the maintenance and entertainment on board. All come in a long way, and starting from the vintage and classic car.
PS: Hi 2010! and all viewer